Contact us

You can find below contact information for the people that contributed to the research and development of this application.

Ewerton Cristhian Lima de Oliveira
Institute of Technology
Federal University of Pará

Igor Matheus Souza Moreira
Institute of Natural and Exact Sciences
Federal University of Pará

Gabriel Oliveira Aragão
Institute of Natural and Exact Sciences
Federal University of Pará

Anderson Henrique Lima e Lima
Institute of Natural and Exact Sciences
Federal University of Pará

Kauê Santana da Costa
Institute of Biodiversity
Federal University of Western Pará

Claudomiro de Souza de Sales Júnior
Institute of Natural and Exact Sciences
Federal University of Pará

Grupo de Modelagem Molecular e Inteligência Artificial para Bioprospecção de Moléculas de Origem Amazônica
Laboratório de Inteligência Computacional e Pesquisa Operacional